
Before a Hurricane:

+ Educate yourself on where you live and the likelihood of flooding.
+ Identify lebees and dams to determine potential threats.
+ Plan to secure your property (install a generator, reinforce windows and garage doors, etc).
+ If you work in a tall building, plan to take cover on the 10th or lower floor.
+ Learn community hurricane evacuation routes and safe spots for shelter in higher ground.
+ Construct a family communication plan.

During a Hurricane:

If you live in an area that is prone to Hurricanes:
+ Stay tuned to local news and weather radio for updates on conditions.
+ Turn off propane tanks.
+ Prepare water supply for hygiene and flushing toilets. Fill bathtubs and other large containers with water.
+ Turn the refrigerator to the coldest setting and close doors to preserve food for as long as possible.
+ Evacuate high-rise buildings, mobile homes, and low ground.
+ Stay inside and away from doors or windows.
+ Take cover in a small central room or hallway on the lowest level.
+ Do not take elevators or other modes of transportation where you could be trapped.

After a Hurricane:

+ Stay up-to-date with weather conditions.
+ Return to your home only when safety official deem it to be safe.
+ If you cannot re-enter in your house but require shelter, text:
  SHELTER +your zip code to 43362 (4FEMA) -
  Example: SHELTER 84058.
+ FEMA also allows you to apply for assistance after a natural disaster.
+ Only drive when absolutely necessary.
+ Check for power lines and structures that have been damaged.
+ Be aware of smells of gas as pipes may have been damaged in the storm.
+ Take pictures of all damage for insurance purposes.
+ Keep a watchful eye for wild animals as well as your own pets.
+ Do not drink or prepare food with local water sources until it is confirmed that there is no contamination.
+ Check food for spoilage before consumption.

Causes of Hurricanes:

Hurricanes can develop when the sun’s rays heat tropical waters to at least 82 degrees Fahrenheit. This causes the air to grow warmer and rise. Water rises with it as vapor, and the heat causes the air to rise faster and faster. In about 12 hours, the heated air will begin to circle counterclockwise, forming stronger and stronger winds that whirl with increasing speed. Air that is motionless is calm. When it moves slowly, it is a light breeze. If it moves slightly faster, it becomes a fresh breeze, and even faster is a high wind. A wind becomes a hurricane when it reaches speeds of more than 74 miles (120 km) per hour.