
Before a Flood:
+ Elevate water heaters, electrical panels, and furnaces if you live in a high flood area.
+ Elevate water heaters, electrical panels, and furnaces if you live in a high flood area.
+ Make a family communication plan.
During a Flood:
+ Be aware of the possibility of flash flooding. Be prepared to move to higher ground without instruction.
+ Listen to local news casts and weather radio to stay current on weather conditions.
+ Be aware that bodies of water are especially likely to flood suddenly (streams, canals, canyons, etc.).
+ If you must evacuate your home, relocate essential items that you cannot transport to the upper floors or higher levels of your home.
+ Be sure to turn off the main valves of your power and gas systems. Disconnect electrical equipment that could conduct a current or create sparks when wet.
+ If leaving your home, do not walk through 6inches or more of moving water.
+ Do not drive in flooded areas so as to avoid engine malfunction.
+ Do not park along streams or creeks.
After a Flood:
+ Avoid moving water.
+ Stay away from damage unless instructed by local safety teams.
+ Stay off of roads and out of the way for cleaning crews.
+ Drive only on firm ground.
+ Remember flood waters can recede and damage walkways and roads. Debris and waste can decrease visibility of broken glass, slippery areas, and animals.
+ Beware of damaged foundations and building structures.
Causes of flooding:
+ Tropical storms and hurricanes
+ Spring thaw
+ Heave rains
+ West Coast threats
+ Levees and Dams
+ Flash floods
+ New development