
Before an Earthquake:
Ensure wall hangings and shelves are securely fastened
Relocate heavier household items to lower shelves
Place wall hangings and mirrors away from seating
Secure large appliances with wall studs and bolts to the floor
Fix deep cracks in foundations and structural imperfections
Keep flammable products in securely closed cabinets and containers with latches
Establish the safest areas in each room and reinforce them
Hold regular earthquake drills; drop, cover, hold on
During an Earthquake:
If outside:
+ Move away from buildings, street lighting, power lines, and large structures
+ Remain outside
+ Be aware of falling debris, glass, and collapsing walls
If in a vehicle:
+ Stop quickly and safely in an open area, away from buildings, onramps and overpasses
+ Avoid routes that are likely to be damaged
If indoors:
+ Steer clear of glass and outside walls
+ Avoid things that could fall (lights, shelves, etc)
+ If you are in bed when the earthquake begins, remain there and cover with a pillow
+ Avoid doorways
+ Stay inside until shaking ends
+ Be prepared for sprinklers and alarms to go off
+ DROP to the floor, COVER under sturdy furniture, HOLD on until the quake stops. Use your hands and arms to cover your head and face
+ If you become trapped, avoid shouting and kicking in order to prevent inhalation of dust and debris. Tap on pipes or furniture so a rescue crew can locate you
After an Earthquake:
Confirm that shaking has stopped before trying to relocate yourself – secondary shocks are common
Assist people who may be trapped or injured
Be aware small fires may exist
Locate a weather radio to stay current with conditions and rescue information
Only use the phone if there is an immediate need or emergency – keep phone lines open for rescue personnel
Open doors and cabinets carefully as contents are likely to have moved
Clean dangerous fluids to prevent injury and illness
Inspect utilities for faults and potential need of repair
Causes of Earthquakes:
Earthquakes are sudden rolling or shaking events caused by movement under the Earth’s surface.
+ FACT: An earthquake is the ground shaking caused by a sudden slip on a fault. Stresses in the earth’s outer layer push the sides of the fault together. Stress builds up & the rocks slips suddenly, releasing energy in waves that travel through the earth’s crust & cause the shaking that we feel during an earthquake. An earthquake occurs when plates grind & scrape against each other.
Earthquake Statistics:
+ Number of Earthquakes in the United States for 2012:3836
+ Average amount of earthquakes annually. Magnitude of 8 & higher: 1 ¹ Magnitude of 7-7.9: 15 ¹ Magnitude of 6-6.9: 134 ²
+ Number of Earthquakes in World:4700